KEXINT GPON OLT is highly integrated, medium-capacity GPON OLT for operators, ISPs, enterprises and park applications.The product follows the ITU-TG.984/G.988 technical standard,The product has good openness, strong compatibility, high reliability, and complete software functions. It can be widely used in operators' FTTH access, VPN, government and enterprise park access, campus network access, ETC
KEXINT GPON OLT is only 1U in height, easy to install and maintain, and save space. Supports mixed networking of different types of ONUs, which can save a lot of costs for operators
Main Feature:
1.Rich Layer 2/3 switching features and Flexible management methods 2.Support multiple link redundancy protocols such as FlexLink/STP/RSTP/MSTP/ERPS/LACP 3.Support RIP,OSPF,BGP,ISIS and IPV6 4.Safe DDOS and virus attack protection 5.Support Power redundancy backup,Modular power supply 6.Support power failure alalm 7.Type C management interface